So I’m back again to bang out some newer comic book reviews and to see if some of the new books out there are worth your time and money.
Adventure of Superman #1 (DC Comics)
Now 100% Orson Scott Card free (if you do not know the train wreck history of this book go here and here to read the story) So with that issue out of the way and the much delayed issue is now available was it worth the wait and controversy. I say yes it is. This book is a done in one with three self-contained stories that is trying to get new readers who have seen Man of Steel and stumble into a comic store after the movie. The good news for comic fans is that the talent behind the three stories is fantastic. The first story by Jeff Parker (Hulk) and Chris Samnee (Daredevil) Violent Minds, is a new villain that is discovering his mental powers. The second story is by Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth & Animal Man) Fortress, that is about two kids playing Superman vs Brainiac. And the third story is by Justin Jordan (Deathstroke) and Riley Rossmo (Green Wake) Bizarro’s Worst Day, that has Superman trying to get Bizarro to stop “helping” All of the stories are really fun and are good for new and old readers alike. My favorite story is Fortress by Lemire that really captured the joy of childhood and the way we all acted when we played superheroes. I was really happy that instead of run of the mill stories and artwork that they went the route of the more indy approach to the book. The stories may be short but they pack more in ten pages than a lot of books out there do in a whole issue. Is it worth your time and money? Three top-notch story and art you can’t go wrong with this book.
The Wake #1 (Vertigo Comics)
First off if you decide to get this book by all means buy a physical copy because there is no way that the digital version of this issue can capture the many double page spreads correctly the way they are in the printed version. The first issue of ten by Scott Snyder (American Vampire & Swamp Thing) and Sean Murphy (Punk Rock Jesus & Joe the Barbarian) really start off this series with a really interesting first issue. The story centers around Lee Archer who is a marine biologist whom is approached by home land security to try to translate an audio recording that sounds like a whale song but is much more complex than a normal one. She is taken to a secret underwater ghost rig where she is given unbeknown to her a team of other scientist to help in a situation. When they arrive on the rig all hell is breaking loose and Lee discovers a quite interesting creature. The book has time jumps in it and starts 200 years in the future then to the present then 100,000 years ago and we a lead to believe that whatever is going on has been brewing for a long time. This is a great way to start a first issue by starting the story and introducing the characters but you never feel as if you are lost and not sure whom everyone is. Snyder keep his secret hidden but the tease at the end of the issue leaves you wanting so much more that you can’t wait for the next issue. Murphy’s art is just perfect for the story. It’s moody when it needs to be and very straight forward also. I really want to point out the coloring by Matt Hollinsworth that really compliments Murphy’s art like a glove and never overwhelms the artwork. Vertigo comics as of late seems to be adrift but if they can find books like this then they could make a much-needed comeback. Is this book worth your time and money. Just shut up and take my money!