Wonder Woman #759
DC Comics Writer Mariko Tamaki, Artist Mikel Janin, Colorist Jordie Bellaire, Letterer Pat Brosseau
It’s pretty rare that I get an early copy of a comic to review but I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of Wonder Woman #759 with the new creative team of Tamaki and Janin and was excited to see what they would bring to the book because it’s sadly been staggering along from the Greg Rucka run in the beginning (IMHO). Wonder Woman is part of the DC Trinity and has in many ways sadly not had as big profile as Superman and Batman over the years. There have been some times where she has really shined but with this first outing it shows a lot of positive signs that this new creative team has what it takes to bring her back to the spotlight. In this first story Tamaki does a great job of laying a solid foundation for her first arc and does a lot of set up elements here and she is able to keep the exposition to a minimum and lets the story unfold nicely. The one part that I really loved is that it starts with Diana moving into a new apartment that brings her down to earth and gives it a more down to earth approach to the character. Tamaki wisely does have some nice action in the story that helps move it along and a surprise villain shows up again at the end of this first issue. Wonder Woman over the years has had some top notch artists bring her to life and I dare say that Janin might just be one of the best yet and that is saying a lot because when you follow in the footsteps of Perez, Jimenez, Scott, Sharp, and Bryne to say a few. Janin not only is able to capture the scope of her but when there is the smaller dramatic scenes is where he really shines. He captures her as a goddess but also as a caring human being that is one of the pest parts of her DNA. The way that he captures the facial expressions of the characters is really breathtaking and beautiful. Another win for this new team is having Bellaire doing the color work and she does an amazing job of complementing Janin’s line work and giving the book a wonderful look that shows why she is one of the best in the business.
Is this comic worth you’re time and money? For me the bar was set very high for this new team coming on board to the book and I have to say that they exceeded my expectations in just this first issue. It’s not that this first issue will blow you away but the fact that they set things up so well in just this first issue was very impressive. Tamaki has a great knack for writing natural dialogue and her sense of pacing is spot on here. Getting Janin do the artwork on this book really elevates it and is one of the best looking books that DC has got going now. You can also tell that they care about Wonder Woman and want to make this book special again and with this first outing I think that they have the right stuff to do it. HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!