New Comic Book Reviews Week Of 9/23/15
This was a smaller week than ususal so I will cover the comics from this week and a few that didn’t make it last week reviews.
This was a smaller week than ususal so I will cover the comics from this week and a few that didn’t make it last week reviews.
John Flood #2 Boom! Studios Writer Justin Jordan, Artist Jorge Coelho, Colorist Tamra Bonvillain, Letterer Ed Dukeshire John Flood is turning into quite the intriguing book.
It seems as if both the comic world press and now the mainstream media has picked up on the sales and gloom and doom that supposedly a crisis at DC Comics.
Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 Marvel Comics Writer/Artist Michel Fiffe, Writer/Artist Felipe Smith, Writer Jeremy Whitley, Artist Gurihiru, Writer Marguerite Bennett, Artist Kris Anka, Letterer Clayton Cowles Writer/Artist Katie Cook Most of the Secret Wars book have been very disappointing but there have been a few rare gems that have sneaked through and this week brings us Secret Love.
Batgirl Annual #3 DC Comics Writers Cameron Stewart & Brenden Fletcher, Artists Bengal/David Lafuente/Ming Doyle/Mingjue Helen Chen, Colorists Bengal/Gabe Eltaeb/Ivan Plascencia/Mingjue Helen Chen, Letterer Steve Wands This book was not shipped to my local comic shop last week so I’m catching up with it this week.
It’s been very difficult to get these reviews up on the site and I thank you for bearing with me. First there was SDCC where there was no chance that any reviews were going up that week and then last week I came down with the dreaded Con Crud that took me down for the count.
Were back on schedule here at Pop Culture Maven until San Diego Comic Con comes and throws a monkey wrench into the schedule.
I’m finally back with new comic book reviews. Because there are so many some will be very brief so we can get to as many as I can.
DC revamped line starts this week and while not all of them are hits they at least a better direction than DC has been going lately.
I wanted to review the new Mad Max comic this week but I have yet to see the film so I plan on seeing the film this weekend so I will throw it into next weeks reviews to catch up on it.
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