New Comic Book Reviews Week of 9/11/19
The Riddler: Year of the Villain #1 DC Comics Writer Mark Russell, Artist Scott Godlewski, Colorist Marissa Louise, Letterer Travis Lanham
The Riddler: Year of the Villain #1 DC Comics Writer Mark Russell, Artist Scott Godlewski, Colorist Marissa Louise, Letterer Travis Lanham
Going to the Chapel #1 Action Lab Entertainment Writer David Pepose, Artist Gavin Guidry, Colorist Elizabeth Kramer, Letterer Ariana Maher with Colin Bell This is quite a departure from Pepose’s Spencer and Locke series but in a lot of ways has the same kinetic
Marvel Comics #1000 Marvel Comics Writers Various, Artists Various, Colorist Various, Letterers Various I found it very ironic that Marvel choose to release this one thousand issue considering that none of their current titles are even close to 1000 but it would have been more appropriate to call this Marvel 80th but I guess they couldn’t let DC Comics do it only.
Batman #75, 76 & 77 DC Comics Writer Tom King, Artists Tony S. Daniel, Mitch Gerads, Sandu Florea, & Norm rapmund, Mikel Janín, Colorists Tomeu Morey, Mitch Gerads, &
Conan The Barbarian: Exodus #1 Marvel Comics Writer & Artist Esad Ribić It’s a rare feat to be able to pull off a “silent” comic story but I have to hand it to Ribić that not only is he a brilliant artist but a solid writer too.
Archie: The Married Life – 10th Anniversary #1 Archie Comics Writer Michal Uslan, Penciller Dan Parent, Inker J. Bone, Colorist Glenn Whitmore, Letterer Jack Morelli For those who are not fans of the new Archie comics or Riverdale will be thrilled to take a trip to the past with this book that features the classic look and feel of the old school Archie comics.
I’m trying to get back on track with catching up with reviews but between work and the never ending flood of new comics is not making for an easy task.
Sorry about missing reviews last week but with spending five days at SDCC there is simply no way of doing reviews or anything else.
Second Coming #1 Ahoy Comics Writer Mark Russell, Artist Richard Pace, Finisher (Earth Pages) Leonard Kirk, Colorist (Earth Pages) Andy Steen Letterer Rob Steen Once to be a Vertigo Comic c was cut loose by DC Comics and thankfully has landed at Ahoy Comics and has been well worth the wait.
So while you all were celebrating the 4th of July I was slaving over this weeks hot new comics to read and give you these reviews.
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