New Comic Book Review Catch Up 1/8/14
Well I am finally back to getting new post up on the site. The holidays and family and friends visiting pushed back post to today.
Well I am finally back to getting new post up on the site. The holidays and family and friends visiting pushed back post to today.
As Long Beach Comic Con celebrated its 5th year in Long Beach California there were lots of artist and writers on hand to show their books and art off.
Normally I have new post up on the site on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but with today being Halloween I thought it deserved a special treat.
Well this was a really big week for comics and I had originally planned to read DC’s villain themed months books with the gimmick 3-D lenticular covers (yes I pick up all 13).
Well its new comic book day but today we are going to play more catch up with some recent releases ahead of the flood of DC lenticular cover fiesta that hits today.
Another busy week of comics at your local comic shop. I try to point out books that you might have otherwise missed on your weekly visit.
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