Newer Comic Reviews 10/16/13
I am still trying to catch up with new comic reviews and then another week hits and there is another stack of book to read.
I am still trying to catch up with new comic reviews and then another week hits and there is another stack of book to read.
Well we are now at week three of DC comics villains month and because of a very busy schedule at the old 9 to 5 job and family visiting this weekend I’m only going to get a few of the reviews out this week.
So on top of all of the regular comics coming out in September, the flood of DC villains month books is making it really hard to keep up on the reviews.
Well this was a really big week for comics and I had originally planned to read DC’s villain themed months books with the gimmick 3-D lenticular covers (yes I pick up all 13).
Well its new comic book day but today we are going to play more catch up with some recent releases ahead of the flood of DC lenticular cover fiesta that hits today.
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