October 29, 2021
Teenage Horror Film Guide

My niece has gotten to the age (13) where she wants to watch horror films and while I was excited that she has gotten to the age where she is able to watch some, there are still many that she is far to young to experience at that age.

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March 23, 2015
The Best Songs From Glee

With today’s post I thought it would be great to have a list of some of the best songs that the show had to offer while a lot of them are from the first three seasons and far fewer from the last three there are many great songs that the show covered and here are some of my favorites from the show.

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October 6, 2014
Twin Peaks To Return In 2016

Well we didn’t have to wait 25 years for Twin Peaks to come back. In the last episode of the original series Laura Palmer in the Black Lodge has this scene In the Black Lodge, the Man from Another Place tells Cooper, “This is the waiting room,”

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