New Comic Book Reviews Catchup 5/12/14
It seems lately that finding time to do most anything is tough with it getting super busy at the old 9 to 5 gig and catching a cold and just shaking that off too.
It seems lately that finding time to do most anything is tough with it getting super busy at the old 9 to 5 gig and catching a cold and just shaking that off too.
Back to business after this weeks side track of the great April Fools Fiesta at Pop Culture Maven. There were some new books this week and some returning books.
Lots of new and returning comic books this week so lets get cracking! Moon Knight #1 Marvel Comics Writer Warren Ellis, Artist Declan Shalvey, Colorist Jordie Bellaire, Letterer Chris Eliopoulos Moon Knight is one of those characters over at Marvel that seems to have more lives than a cat.
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