Every year in August, thousands of Star Trek Fans make a beam into Las Vegas to attend the largest Star Trek convention in the world.
The four day event, hosted at the Rio Hotel is attended by fans from many different counties and virtually every state in the union. The guest list is populated by Trek actors from the original show to the most recent JJ Abrams films. The names range from Captains to one-shot guest stars that includes all five television shows and 11 films.
There are many different things to do at the convention, depending on what you want to do. Some are there to sit in the main hall and watch their favorite actors speak on stage. Some pursue additions to their autograph collections. Some like to take photo ops with their favorite stars. Stroll the dealer’s room to find a special item for their collection. Some like the cosplay, visit with friends, take photos, or enjoy the social aspects or a combination of all the above. Unlike San Diego Comic Con or a Wizard World convention, this show is strictly themed for Star Trek.
I have been attending this convention for many years and have enjoyed the experience every year. I find myself enjoying the social side of the con more than the gathering autographs and buying stuff from dealers. Considering I have seen a lot of these actors many times over the years, I have nothing left for them to sign. (Seriously, how many Walter Koenig autographs does one person need?) I still get autographs from those actors I have not seen before and will still buy those items that I can’t live without, but I find myself spending more time talking to current friends and making new friends. Some fans regard this convention as a family reunion. I think its pretty close since I see a lot of the same faces every year.
With each passing year, the cosplay seems to get stepped up a notch. The costumes are more creative, mash-ups are becoming more common and a few brave souls ignore the Trek theme all-together.
Personal note: No matter the theme of the con, cosplay should be fun for everyone. Go and have a good time.
This year was a little more special as I appeared as a guest on the Highway Vibe radio show in Las Vegas to talk about my LAS VEGAS BANDITS series of novels. This was also the year that I appeared in three web articles about the convention and cosplay.